Discovering the Elegance of Le Poète: A Rosé Crafted with Tradition and Sustainability

Posted On September 11, 2024


by Iola Wines

Journey into the world of Le Poète, a remarkable rosé de saignee champagne born from the vineyards of Champagne Le Gallais. Uncover the intricate details of its production, the labor-intensive yet rewarding practices, and the poetic essence that defines its character.

The Poetry of the Soil: Crafting Vibrant Wines from Rich Earth

In the lush landscapes of Champagne Le Gallais, where storied vineyards lie, the essence of wine creation begins with the soil. Marilee and Charlotte explore the significance of soil type in producing vibrant wines, particularly focusing on Le Poète.

This exquisite rosé is born from the organic matter, clay, and limestone of the vineyard, providing vital nutrients and water to the venerable vines that thrive in this environment. With a unique blend of Pinot Noir and Meunier grapes, Le Poète stands as a testament to the harmony between nature and viticulture.

Heritage in a Bottle: The Legacy of Le Gallais

Charlotte’s family has been deeply rooted in the  vineyards of Champagne since 1927, boasting a rich history that traces back to the Vallee de la Marne and the village of Boursault.

This extraordinary estate, surrounded by protective walls, was built by Madame Veuve (veuve means “widow” in French) Clicquot and remained in her family for several generations until it was sold. Eventually it transitioned from Canadian hands to become a haven of French winemaking under the stewardship of the Le Gallais family.

As a fifth-generation champenoise, Charlotte Le Gallais bridges the past and future, blending traditional winemaking with an emphasis on chemical-free viticulture and biodiversity preservation.

Sustainability in Viticulture: Embracing Eco-Friendly Practices

Adopting an eco-conscious approach, Champagne Le Gallais commits to non-chemical vineyard maintenance. Marilee and Charlotte discuss the formidable labor involved in manual weed control, highlighting the higher costs and significant time investments compared to chemical methods.

Charlotte’s passion for reducing the environmental footprint is evident as she shares her long-term goal of achieving organic certification within a year and a half. Her dedication to sustainability goes beyond production, extending to the careful management of both animal and plant assets to promote biodiversity.

An Ode to Legacy: The Significance of Le Poète

What’s in a name? For Le Poète, the title carries the legacy of Le Comte de Chevigny, Madame Clicquot’s poetic son-in-law who once penned erotic poems in the Garden of the Poets, just a few yards away from where the vines grow today.

This historical and lyrical connection infuses the wine with a sense of history, romance and tradition. The wine they discuss, a rosé crafted from the grapes nurtured near this inspiring garden, is a true embodiment of the poet’s spirit.

The Art of Winemaking: From Grape to Glass

The meticulous winemaking process of Le Poète is a blend of  art science. Charlotte outlines the crucial steps from grape selection to maceration and bleeding, ensuring the desired taste, texture and color profile. This 2019 vintage rosé, known for its balance and aromatic complexity, journeyed from vine to glass with abundant floral aromas, and notes of orange blossom, raspberry.

Marilee’s tasting notes highlight the evolving flavors on the palate from Pinot Noir’s structure and vinous element to Meunier’s roundess projecting very subtle hints of vanilla and toffee yet retaining its floral character as the wine continues to age.

Awards and Acclaim: Recognizing Excellence in Winemaking

Le Poète’s excellence has not gone unnoticed. Recently, Charlotte  won a gold medal from Vigneron Independent for the Rosé Le Poète, and earlier for her Cuvée du Manoir which is highly cherished by consumers. Consistency is a hallmark of Champagne Le Gallais’ wines, with the Cuvee des Cedres containing up to 70% reserve wine.

This Brut Nature champagne is praised for the absence of added sugar. These accolades underscore Champagne Le Gallais’s commitment to quality and tradition in every bottle.

Perfect Pairings: Culinary Harmonies with Le Poète

Pairing wine with food is an art, and Le Poète’s vibrant profile offers delightful versatility. Marilee and Charlotte suggest pairing the rosé with neutrally flavored appetizers to showcase its character. For a more curated experience, smoked duck and a simple charcuterie platter are recommended to enhance the wine’s flavor profile. Its compatibility with Italian dishes further exemplifies its gastronomic adaptability.

Bringing Wine Theory into Practice

As Marilee and Charlotte bid farewell to their audience, they express their mutual gratitude and invite everyone to put wine theory into practice.

Their lively discussion on Le Poète offers a deeper appreciation for the wine’s journey from soil to glass, crafted with heart, history, and an unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship.

Cheers to tradition, sustainability, and the poetry in every sip.

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Written by Iola Wines

Iola Wines curates and delivers the finest wines by women winemakers from France and Italy. Why? Because Bold Women Make The Best Wines. Naturally.

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